Marcos Garzo Dominguez is the president chair of General Assembly for BCNMUN 2024. He is a senior-year student at the American School of Barcelona with an affection for debating. He was born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, but he lived for 2 years in Amsterdam, Holland when he was young, but later moved, thus attending ASB since kindergarten to this day. Marcos has been involved in the MUN program for two years and highly enjoys debating and public speaking in front of his peers in school assignments. In last year’s BCNMUN, Marcos was a chair of Security Council. Also, through the several conferences that Marcos has attended, he has continued to develop his debating skills as well as his art of speaking out loud. Marcos believes the Model United Nations program is an excellent opportunity to showcase leadership, debating, and public speaking skills and a great experience for all students to build relationships with other delegates. He is honored to form part of the BCNMUN 2024 conference and looks forward to what he hopes will be a fun yet productive debate in General Assembly.

Camille Rodgers is one of the chairs for General Assembly. She was born in Barcelona into a South African/Canadian family and has lived all of her life here. She is a sophmore, attending her eighth year at the American School of Barcelona. Camille joined MUN in 8th grade because of her love for public speaking, current events, and debating worldwide issues. This will be her 5th MUN conference, along with attending BCNMUN, OAKMUN, BFISMUN, and BIMUN throughout her 9th grade year. MUN has helped her develop confidence, leadership, and communication skills, as well as made her aware of the many significant conflicts that the world is confronting today. The program has helped her hone her debate and public speaking skills, giving her the ability to meet a diverse group of people, enabling her to make meaningful and great connections. Camille, has gathered her most treasured memories from MUN, and she hopes that new MUNers are able to have these incredible experiences too, as well as acquire the important skills that MUN has given her.

Emma Sanchez Ballester is a chair in the general assembly, she was born and raised in Barcelona, however lived abroad with her family for two years. Throughout her childhood, Emma took great pleasure in forming part of communities such as after school activities. She maintained that eager passion all throughout middle school, leading up to her transition into high school. Consequently, Emma was captivated by the community the MUN team had created in high school. Her experience in public speaking began in 9th grade as she joined the MUN elective, hoping to strengthen her problem-solving skills and hereafter become part of the MUN family. It wasn't until 10th grade that Emma stepped outside of her comfort zone by participating in a variety of conferences such as BCNMUN and IMUN in Portugal. Despite her initial fear and anxious doubt, Emma grew skills that enforced and enriched her public speaking in addition to developing crucial social skills. Outside of class, Emma grew to be more open-minded with those around her, and she gradually found confidence within. MUN provided a first entry point to international affairs, allowing her to engage in discussions, network with students from all over the world while deepening her understanding of current global issues. Emma hopes to collaboratively construct an unforgettable conference by engaging in fruitful discussions!